Friday, June 1, 2012

Automated Testing - GSoC 2012

For Google Summer of Code (GSoC) 2012 I submitted a proposal on "AutomatedTesting" project listed by phpmyadmin (PMA). Michal Čihař, Marc Delisle, Madhura Jayaratne and Stas Zarubin who is the last year GSoC contributor helped me a lot when I improve my patches and the proposal. Michal Čihař act as my mentor for my project in this summer of code.

PMA is a free software tool written in PHP, intended to handle the administration of MySQL over the web. Automated testing is a project idea which continues from the last year GSoC session which was partially done by Stas Zarubin. Expectation of the project is automate the testing in PMA by writing uni test cases and selenium test cases using phpunit and improve the code coverage. Last year Stas Zarubin has written some test cases for the PMA libraries and classes but couldn't complete all. In this time I am improving the written test cases coverage and write new test cases for the remaining libraries and classes. 

In the next series of blog post I will discuss more about my project in this summer.